8:44 AM

♣ The Similarity between KAT-TUN, NewS, n SS501 ♣

Everybody knows the differences between these boy-bands; their songs, their performance (incl. concerts), and for KAT-TUN - NewS with SS501, their country. But do you realize that they have a slight similarity among them?

1.Their Groups' Names
Kalo kita deretin, nama mereka itu nyambung bangeeetttttt... check it out: KAT-TUNewSS501. See??? Besides, all of them has double word in their group's names. KAT-TUN has double T, SS501 has double S, and NewS has double U (in English pronounciation for W)... Hahahaha... I know the last 'double' sounds a little bit strange, but it still can be accepted, right?? *wink*

2. Their Songs' Composers
(esp. for
KAT-TUN n SS501)
Well, we all agree that what makes us love them, besides their faces and talents, is their songs. I wouldn't be exaggerating if i say that a great songs comes from a great person. Behind their success, there is a man named Steven Lee who works behind the spotlight in producing those great songs. What makes it interesting, in the world of many boy-bands (or girl-bands) Steven Lee works for KAT-TUN and SS501. A few songs he composed for KAT-TUN such as Never Again, Hell No, Sadistic Love, and he even composed for Kaizokuban Concert and Summary of Johnny's World (KAT-TUN collaboration with NewS). And for SS, he composed The One, Want It, Crazy for You, Love Like This, Fan Song (완.두.콩), Obsess, Persona Con (intro), and Wasteland.

Looking at those songs, it's no wonder that they have same songs' style. Btw, Steven Lee also stated that KAT-TUN is the no. 1 of Japanese Boy-band and it makes me feels like flying (okay, i'm starting to fangirling :p)

That's all i have for today's post and hope this helpful ♥
The picture above is the scan from an article in allkpop.com about Steven Lee. All of this information's credits to kamepi_chan@LJ, allkpop.com, and wikipedia.org